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IUIA 中美省州合作创新创业平台

2018-04-20 14:05

IUIA China Provinces-US States Innovation and Entrepreneurship Cooperation Platform

IUIA 中美省州创新创业平台是在中美两国推动的中美省州合作计划的框架下实施的。

IUIA China Provinces-US States Innovation and Entrepreneurship Platform is implemented in the framework of the China Provinces-US States Cooperation Program promoted by China and the United States Goverment.


孙万松秘书长与美国加州财务长 John Chiang 为中美省州合作创新创业平台启动揭幕

Sun Wansong and John Chiang, Launched Opening and Collaboration of State-owned Cooperative Innovation and Entrepreneurship Platform in Central America


IUIA 孙万松秘书长向参会嘉宾介绍 IUIA 十年支点计划

IUIA Secretary-General Sun Wansong briefed participants on the IUIA 10-year pivot program


IUIA 中美省州合作创新创业平台启动

IUIA China-US Cooperative Innovation and Entrepreneurship Platform Launched


教 育 部 田 学 军 副 部 长 接 见IUIA 美国大学代表团

Vice Minister Tian Xuejun of Ministry of Education meets with delegation of IUIA American University