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青岛市 市北区 中英金融科技孵化器

2018-04-20 13:56

China-UK Fintech Incubator 


2017 年 3 月 13 日,青岛市市委书记李群、青岛市市北区区委书记郑德雁莅临中英金融科技孵化器参观指导

Li Qun, former secretary of Qingdao Municipal Committee, and Zheng Deyan, secretary of the Municipal Committee of North District of Qingdao, came to visit China-UK financial technology incubator for guidance.


2017 年 5 月 9 日,青岛市市委副书记、市长孟凡利视察中英金融科技孵化器,并对孵化器未来发展做重要指示

Vice Mayor of Qingdao Municipal Party Committee and Mayor Meng Fanli inspected Sino-British financial technology incubators and made important instructions on the future development of incubators.


2017 年 10 月 29 日, 法国布雷斯特市及西部列塔尼工商会到访中英金融科技孵化器,与青岛市市北区领导进行亲切会谈

Brest City in France and the Western Chamber of Commerce and Industry visited the Sino-British financial technology incubator and held cordial talks with the leaders of the northern district of Qingdao City.