美国国家工程院院士,中国工程院外籍院士,美国国家工程院院长。 Fellow of the National Academy of Engineering; Foreign academicians of Chinese; Academy of Engineering; President of the National Academy of Engineering.
法国交通部无人驾驶负责人,法国国家铁路路网公司副总经理,法国 交通部无人驾驶汽车项目负责人。 Head of driverless cars at France's transport ministry; Deputy General Manager of The French National Railway Network; Head of the French Transport Ministry's driverless car project.
人工智能领域首席科学家,CCF终身成就奖,中国科学院院士,清华大学人工智能研究院院长。 Chief scientist in artificial intelligence; CC Lifetime Achievement Award; Members of the Chinese Academy of Sciences; Dean of The Institute of Artificial Intelligence at Tsinghua University.
生物基因领域首席科学家,丹麦皇家一级爵士,奥胡斯大学终身教授,哥本哈根大学教授。 Leading scientist in the field of biological genes; Knighthood Royal of Denmark; Tenured professor at Aarhus University; Professor, University of Copenhagen.
无人驾驶领域首席科学家,智能交通研究院主席,法国雷诺集团汽车创新副总裁。 Chief scientist in the field of unmanned vehicles; Chairman of the Intelligent Transportation Research Institute; Vice President of Automotive Innovation, Renault Sa.
5G通讯领域首席科学家,蓝橡资本北美董事长,EWI 国际智库理事,华为公司前CTO,英国电信CTO。 Chief scientist in 5G communications; Chairman of Blue Oak Capital North America; Director of EW International Think Tank; Former CTO of Huawei, Bt CTO.
英国牛津大学肿瘤系主任 Head of the Department of Oncology, University of Oxford, UK
约翰霍普金斯大学副校长,纳米生物技术研究所的联合创始人兼前副主任。 Vice President of Johns Hopkins University; Association of nanobiological Research Institutes; Co-founder and former deputy Director.
尼尔·斯蒂芬森,元宇宙之父,科幻小说《雪崩》作者。 “Father of the Metaverse”,author of “Snow Crash”.
计算机领域首席科学家,加州大学伯克利分校电子工程及计算机系主 任,美国科学院院士,美国工程院院士,ACMAEEE 会士。 Leading computer scientist; Chair of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computing at the University of California Berkeley; Members of the National Academy of Sciences; Fellow of the American Academy of Engineering;
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